The New Secret Business Weapon: Google+

Google has transformed from being just another search engine to understand not only content but people and relationships. Thus world witnessed the birth of Google+. Such paradigm shift within Google has made it to evolve as a secret weapon for many businesses.
Google+ is not only a stark competitor to Facebook but a comprehensive communication tool and a business supporter with features like filtering emails, to connect with colleagues and hosting video conferences.
Such is the aura of this networking site that more and more businesses are considering Google+ a vital component of search engine optimization. Here are few ways to implement Google+ in everyday business tasks:
1. Hangouts – Modify it for business interaction:
Hangouts are basically online video chats. Add the Symphonical app and your clients can create, move and comment on virtual sticky notes on digital whiteboards and track team progress during group project meetings or any other business collaboration.
2. Organize Gmail – Use Circles:
Google+ circles ease the process of categorizing people on basis of relationships or category. Click on one of the Circles you created to view all of the Gmail messages you’ve received from individuals in that particular group. You can then filter emails from individual members of that Circle.
3. Easier Edit – Vouch for Google Docs:
With Google+ hangouts new Google Docs, editing documents will no more be a tedious affair. It lets you create, comment on and revise multiple documents in real time with your co workers.
4. Best event planner
Planning for events, well make it easy to share using new Google+ Events. You can send invitation to both your Googleplus circles and individual addresses within your contact list.
Share photos and moments of party with Google+ Party Mode and enjoy later with your colleagues.
Such striking features make Google+ an irresistible business operating tool. Due to changing demands and requirements Google+ will keep on evolving and qualify to be the best companion for business marketers. Therefore, keep exploring!!